Truth is beyond belief.

Truth is mind-boggling. Nature, reality and creation are awe-inspiring, impossible for the rational mind to grasp.

Beliefs, biases, dogma, and political positions are all ways humans try to manage that which is beyond our understanding & control.

Third Eye on the Prize stands for:

  • valuing our built-in intuitive (higher) intelligence

  • using it for guidance in life, and

  • using beauty as a pathway to truth.

In the yogic system, the third eye, located between and just above the eyebrows, is called the ajna chakra, ajna meaning perception. The seat of intuition, this point represents a human being’s highest intelligence. Through this channel we connect to the unlimited source of wisdom and truth. Though each of us, by virtue of being in a human form, is equipped with this potential, sadly, many have no idea how to use it. Countless others have no awareness that such a potential even exists, let alone within them.

Think about the ability to zoom in and out on your cellphone or computer screen. Now imagine being able to zoom in or out in experience to an infinite degree, gaining massive perspective on a huge scale while retaining awareness of the most minute details. Macro and micro simultaneously.

The reason intuition is tricky to access is that it does not give us the whole picture at once. It may come as a flash of insight or an urging to do something or not to do something, or a nudge to take a different route. It may be an image or just a few words. It is often cryptic. It communicates in a very quiet voice. If we are not alert enough, chances are good we’ll miss it altogether. When our rational mind is chattering away, we will certainly miss it. We must learn, through practice, to recognize intuition’s unique way of communicating with us and cultivate a receptive state in order to receive its priceless messages.

Intuition is your highest intelligence…

…and best friend.

Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.
— Rabindranath Tagore