The Ferocious Joy of Birdsong


One of the most dauntless forces imaginable

a mother bear’s ferocity when her cubs are threatened

let me call up that strength so that my heart can open

without fear Abhaya right hand held up extended outward

in the same gesture we use when swearing to tell the truth

On an exquisite fall day warm with soft light remnant

of summer breeze momentarily abated my birds

serenade me in a chorus from the backyard trees

they sing in counterpoint to traces of wind that rustle

the leaves in rising swells and receding airwaves

enthusiastically jazzed they sound like an excited throng

of shoppers on sale day or a crowd awaiting the imminent

arrival of an adored celebrity they step on each other’s lines

with abandon carry each other along on a wave of chirping

there’s no end or beginning to their song

behind them a distant drone of highway traffic annoys me

but they continue as if unaware of disturbances in their field

riding the cadences with mother bear’s ferocity Abhaya’s

in there somewhere we’ll go on singing we’re not intimidated

we’re not threatened we don’t even know what that means